Tailor-made Drainage Pump
Construction of a drainage motor pump to extract sand and water from a depth of 18 m and launch it 2,000 m.
Manufactured with a 750 hp Mitsubishi engine, 600 rpm Caprari pump.
Project carried out for the company Drayresub S.L.
Customized solutions
Naval machinery of own manufacture
Longlining Hauler
Mod. 2HC100
Longlining Hauler
Mod. S-25
Line and Longlining Hauler
Mod. S-25C
Line and Longlining Hauler
Mod. MA-1
Line and Longlining Hauler
Mod. MA-1C
Line Hauler
Mod. CJ-5
Net Hauler
Mod. R-15R Rulín RCIC
Net Hauler
Mod. R-15 Rulín RCIR
Line Hauler
Mod. C-5I / Mod. C-5E
Mod. T-1.5
Mod. T-2.0
Mod. T-0.5
Fairlead and Winder
Mod. AMJ-6 / Mod. TC-D-2
Capstan Cabestan
Mod. CP-315 / CPG-315
- Stainless Articulated Cranes
- Cranes 1 Section Stainless
- Line Hauler
- Longlining Hauler
- line hauler of 3 by trawl and pot
- Machinery minor arts Convertibles
- Machinery Seafood and other uses
- Gasoline Switchboard
- Machinery for purse seiner fishing boats
- Machinery for purse seiner cabirones fishing boats
- Winches
- Bridge Windlasses
- Vertical Windlasses
- Block of pulleys
- Clutch
- Transmission sets
- Propellers
- Trawling winches
- Bilge and Washdown Pumps
- hydraulic gear pumps
- Electric extractor fans